In Pain?

Are you no longer getting pain relief from acupuncture as it’s no longer available under the NHS Pain Clinics in Chelmsford or Maldon? Or are you in pain but have not tried acupuncture yet? Maybe I can help,  I have been in practise for 10 years and seen a wide variety of conditions in my clinics.

What can acupuncture offer, you ask?  (for those of you who have not tried acupuncture yet)

  • reduce inflammation by promoting vascular and immunomodulatory factors  (Kim 2008, Kavoussi 2007;Zijlstra 2003).
  • improve muscle stiffness and joint mobility by increasing blood circulation and reduce swelling and bruising (Komori 2009).
  • give pain relief by stimulating the central nervous system thereby releasing endorphins and biochemical which help pain  (Pomeranz 1987; Zhao 2008).

Much research supports the use of Acupuncture for pain relief.  For instance, an international collaborated study lead by scientist Andrew J Vickers, PhD, reviewed nearly 1000 studies which were narrowed down to 29 of the best quality.  These studies were carried for the treatment of lower back, neck pain, chronic headache and osteoarthritis.  In all, they analysed 18,000 patients data, and found those who had acupuncture felt significantly better than those who didn’t.

Also, The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence also supports the use of acupuncture for persistent, non-specific lower back pain.  It recommends that GP’s offer 10 sessions as a first line treatment.  Unfortunately, acupuncture is no longer available in Mid Essex due to cut backs in funding.

So if you are in pain and have any questions, would like to know more or wish to make an appointment. Please do not hesitate to get in touch. Enquiry form