IVF and Fertility Funding Mid Essex NHS

Mid Essex NHS now offers fertility funding for up to 2 IVF cycles and up to 4 embryo transfers.  There are a number of criteria that need to be met.
Couples are eligible if they fulfil the following:
Aged between 23 and 40 who have unexplained fertility for at least 2 years or who have been diagnosed with a condition that prevents them trying naturally.
Also, will consider for couples aged 40 to 42 due to waiting times.
Couples must not smoke during treatment.
No children in previous relationships
Donor gametes, one batch of oocytes and one batch of sperm
Other circumstances maybe allowed for full details, link is below for the NHS website.

If you would like to know more about acupuncture for fertility, have a look at my pregnancy and conception post or get in touch via the website or call 07816 363313.

Fertility – Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System