Acupuncture provides a natural, drug-free way of dealing with women’s health issues. As many women’s health issues are associated with their menstrual cycles or reproductive system, each woman may have a unique set of circumstances. A big advantage with acupuncture, is that treatments can be finely tuned according to each patient’s specific needs.
Acupuncture has a proven and positive effect in regulating menstrual cycles therefore, women suffering with painful periods symptoms either disappear or are reduced. Treatments can even help to bring back periods.
Painful periods (also known as dysmenorrhea) are painful cramps originating from the uterus before or during menstruation. There are two groups: primary dysmenorrhea has no underlying cause while secondary dysmenorrhea results from underlying conditions such as endometriosis or fibroids.
Symptoms of dysmenorrhea can include pain radiating to lower back or thighs, nausea, vomiting, sweating or even dizziness. It is thought painful periods tend to reduce after the birth of the first child, this may be due to increased blood flow to the uterus area or stretching of the uterus.
Acupuncture can help by stimulating nerves in lower region as a result reducing pain by the release of endorphins and other neurohumoral factors. It can reduce uterine contractions by relaxing smooth muscle.
Women can experience Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) in many different ways. Some women may experience only mild symptoms or even none at all. Whilst other women can find their symptoms debilitating, not just affecting them physically but mentally too.
Acupuncture can be beneficial by reducing tension and increasing relaxation. Most importantly, it is tailored to woman’s unique set of symptoms.
Menopause means the time when periods cease permanently for a year or more due to loss of ovarian activity. The average age of menopause is 52 in western countries such as the UK. As a result symptoms can range from hot flushes, insomnia, anxiety, night sweats, to reduced libido and tiredness.
Acupuncture is used to regulate hormones (serum estradiol, follicle stimulating hormone F.S.H, and luteotrophic hormone) and therefore each treatment is specific to the patients unique set of symptoms.
Amenorrhoea (Absence of Periods)
Dysmenorrhoea (Painful Periods)
Heavy Periods
Irregular Menstrual Cycles
Menopausal Symptoms – Hot Flushes, etc.
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
If you have a condition that is not listed here, and would like to know if acupuncture may help please get in touch.
07816 363313 to book an appointment or SCHEDULE ONLINE