Fibromyalgia pain


Fibromyalgia also known as fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a long-term chronic condition that causes pain throughout body. This condition tends to affect women more than men between the ages of 25 to 55.  It is estimated 1.8 to 2.9 million people have this condition in the UK.

It is unclear as to the exact cause  of fibromyalgia but researchers believe that a number of factors are involved.


Certain genes may predispose people developing this condition.

Abnormal brain messages

The central nervous system sends signals to the brain, spinal cord and nerves. Changes in the way the central nervous system processes pain throughout the body is affected in those with Fibromyalgia. This means that people can be more sensitive to pain than others.

Possible Triggers

Physical injury, stress, emotional trauma or mental health can cause the condition to develop.

Such as:

  • Post operation
  • Injury as a result of a car crash
  • Contracting an infection
  • An emotional traumatic experience.
  • The condition can affect one or many parts of the body or even moving from one part to another.
  • The pain experienced by suffers can be sharp, stabbing, burning, tingling, muscle stiffness or an ache and worsened by changes of weather and increased stress.

Associated conditions

Many conditions associated with fibromyalgia are:

  • Poor quality of sleep, wake up not feeling refreshed
  • Foggy head (fibro fog) concentration or attention not good.
  • Headaches caused by pain and stiffness in neck and shoulder which can lead to migraines.
  • Trouble remembering or learning new things.
  • Feeling hot or cold as body is not able to regulate temperature.
  • Restless leg syndrome, a tingling in your legs which is uncomfortable particularly at night.
  • Anxiety, stress and low mood
  • Painful periods in women
  • Irritable bowel syndrome, IBS
  • Develop depression in dealing with condition.

There is no cure and treatments recommended by the NHS is exercise, talking therapies, medication and acupuncture.


Acupuncture can reduce pain for those with chronic pain, neck, shoulder back, osteoarthritis, headaches and migraines.  It can also help with IBS, insomnia, fatigue and stress.

Acupuncture can be used to help with symptoms of fibromyalgia and associated conditions, and improve the sufferers quality of life.

Below is a link to find out more:

The benefits of acupuncture for fibromyalgia symptoms