Photo showing woman's lower abdomen, where they feel endometrial pain

Acupuncture for Endometriosis – Essex

What is Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition where similar cells of the lining of uterus grow outside for instance fallopian tubes, bladder wall and ovaries.  These cells cause an inflammatory reaction causing pain, dysmenorrhea (another term for period pain) discomfort, scarring and adhesions.

Pain can be experienced anytime during the menstrual cycle, at ovulation, menstruation, or sexual intercourse.   Pain can be severe, periods heavy and cause chronic pelvic pain as well as fatigue.

Endometriosis can affect women from any age, from first period to menopause and affects 1 in 10.

The condition can have a detrimental effect on mental health, and can impact on everyday life.  In some instances, can affect fertility.

Treatments can range from medication to stop periods to surgery.

The cause is unknown but women with certain gene maybe more predisposed, so women whose mothers have the condition could develop it.

In November 2024, several MPs raised questions as to the long waiting lists for diagnosis and treatment.

BacC Endometriosis discussed in Parliament

How Can Acupuncture Help

There have been several studies which concluded acupuncture was proven to be effective reducing dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain.

Acupuncture works by stimulating nerves, muscles, other tissues, and the spinal cord and brain, producing endorphins and chemicals that have an effect on pain and reducing inflammation.

In fact Endometriosis UK direct people to the British Acupuncture Council website.

Why not get in touch and find out more.

Women’s Health Acupuncture Essex