Moxa safe and effective for turning a breech birth
Using moxibustion in primary healthcare to correct non-vertex presentation: A multicentre randomised controlled trial
Acupunct. Med. 2012 Dec 18 EPUB
A large study carried out in Spain has shown that moxibustion at point Bl67is an effective and safe way to correct non-vertex presentation, when used between 33 and 35 weeks of pregnancy. In a multicentre randomised controlled trial, 406 low-risk pregnant women with a foetus in breech presentation, with a gestational age of 33-35 weeks, were assigned to one of three interventions: moxibustion at Bl67 true moxibustion plus usual care: moxibustion at non specific point Spl1 plus usual care; or usual care alone. In the true moxibustion group, 58.1% of the full-term presentations were cephalic compared with 43.4% in the sham moxibustion group and 44.8% if those in the usual care group. The results represent a relative risk reduction of 29.7% in favour of true moxibustion, compared with usual care, with a number needed to treat of eight. No severe adverse effects were seen.